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British Airways Executes E-Logs System to Improve Aircraft Maintenance Efficiency

British Airways Executes E-Logs System to Improve Aircraft Maintenance Efficiency

A state-of-the-art engineering technology that predicts aircraft maintenance difficulties using real-time data is saving British Airways over 900,000 pieces of paper annually and reducing delays.

All 270 of the airline's jets will have real-time performance data available via the E-Logs platform, enabling the airline to identify possible issues early on, take proactive measures to address them and minimize downtime.

Pilots and cabin crew will find it much simpler to log complaints with this fully automated method, which replaces an expensive and labour-intensive paper-based system.

Andy Best, Chief Technical Officer at British Airways, said, “We’re using the latest technology to help ensure we continue delivering a consistently high standard of service for our customers – always with a focus on safety.

“Our investment in innovative tools like this means we can support our teams to identify and put solutions in place ahead of time. By replacing time-consuming manual processes with digital technology we are constantly improving the reliability of our aircraft fleet and as a result our customers’ experience.”

Technical records for aircraft are required by regulations, and they have traditionally been kept on paper.

Any issues would be recorded in writing by the flight and cabin crew, transcribed, and given to the maintenance staff, who would then take care of any necessary repairs and update the aircraft maintenance log once more.

The paper-based method will be completely replaced by the E-Logs system, which will see several specialized iPads installed on every aircraft. This technology enables the instantaneous transfer of data from the aircraft to engineers in a matter of seconds, even before the aircraft reaches its destination.

As a result, engineers may order any necessary components in advance and fix problems as soon as they arise, cutting down on the amount of time that aircraft are grounded.

With the use of technology, BA is also able to anticipate problems and take proactive measures to fix them before they become serious enough to force an aircraft offline.

With the use of technology, BA is also able to anticipate problems and take proactive measures to fix them before they become serious enough to force an aircraft offline.

The system is a component of BA's two-year, £7 billion modernization project. This is the largest investment the company has ever made in order to transform the way teams operate and introduce cutting-edge technologies that will improve the clientele's experience.

This involves state-of-the-art AI, automation, and machine learning throughout the entire operation, improving everything from luggage handling to reservations and reducing delays and cancellations.

The technologies being utilized are completely changing the way the airline operates by substituting tech-based solutions for laborious manual processes and guaranteeing that the relevant information is available when it's needed.

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