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Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet to Be A Guide Provider to New Apple Maps

Apple's update events are not perhaps what they used to be under Steve Jobs but they still command a decent amount of attention.

This week's unveiling of a big software update for the "iPhone experience" had the usual enhancements to the core software, applications, etc., however, it also came with a sizable upgrade to the core Apple Maps platform. Along with navigation and exploring tools for the new Apple Maps, guides are being introduced into the app for the first time.

This will include details on places to visit in a destination, famous attractions, hotels, restaurants and other activities.

Providers for the travel-related content incorporate mainstream media outlets such as the Washington Post, alongside specialists in particular genres (for foodies, for instance) and Lonely Planet.

Cities that the publisher has created guides for include San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and London.

The software upgrade is expected to be made available later this year for the iPhone, and then iPad and laptop operating systems.


Source: phocuswire

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